Friday, October 17, 2014

Pacific NW-News Service Since 1992
 A BEHEMOTH SUNSPOT EMERGES: A large and active sunspot is rotating over the sun's southeastern limb on Oct. 17th. J. P. Brahic sends this picture of the behemoth from Uzès, France:
A monster arrives!!!!! AR???? It could be the return of old sunspot complx AR2172-AR2173 ( Oct 17th ) Refractor 230mm F/D 9 + Barlow 2.7X Astrosolar D 3.8 Bad Seeing ( 4/10 )
This kind of solar burst can send  energy to the earth that causes and straps problems with computers and other electronic gear. It is also thought that it can be used as an enemies weapon. And electromagnetic force over a city in Kansas or the state of Kansas city, will disrupt area of 500 to 1000 sq miles. Small solar energy will not bother you much. You might notice something on your computer that seems out of place. Perhaps it'll last for a day and you'll end up blaming your ISP. The real problem is solar energy. The body picks up sorry energy is well. Certain people, myself included, pick up that solar energy much stronger than others. In my case a pool of magnetite near my adrenal gland will pick it up and cause panic. I used this panic to predict earthquakes. The US geological Society paid attention to me for a short time. When it was found that I wasn't 100% their interest waned.
C'mon friends! Help the Start Taking Action & Responsibility (STAR) youth coalition earn cash money by making a commitment to safe driving every day through Friday, Oct. 24! They're working to raise awareness of and commitment to safe driving strategies. Every email address can vote each day at, so be sure to help us spread the word and put Republic High School (zip code 99166) on the top schools leader board! So far, there is only 1 west coast school on the board and it's NOT us! Let's turn that around! We're eligible to win 1 of 90 $25,000 awards or if we really mobilize our friends, coworker, community and family networks, the first prize of $100,000. The Grand Prize would be $100,000 AND a live community performance in Republic by The Band Perry! Let's do this!
 Do your pre-teens drive you nuts? Are you looking for ways to make your parenting life easier? Do your kids suddenly seem like they're detouring into the 'misunderstood zone?' RRAD Coalition just may have the answers and solutions you're looking for! Strengthening Families for Parents and Kids ages 10-14 is a FUN, FREE, and easy way to improve communication, build skills and make great family memories together. The next 7 week series starts Tuesday, October 21st at the Republic Elementary School, in partnership with the 21st Century CATS Program. Open to anyone interested in bolstering their parenting skills and spending time with their kids. Call the elementary school today to make your free dinner reservation and enroll in the workshops!
 For my Pinpoint Users Group
There is probably not a chance that I will ever predict earthquakes again. I have no ambition of moving into the belly of the beast, which would be within 100 miles preferably south of the MTJ. It's just plain stuck. I was reading an article in a tech magazine , which did some fancy equations about the amount of stress on Gorda, and how much more with various quakes all around the ring of fire. Unbelievable. A 9.0 is probably an understated guess as to how large this quake has the potential to be.

My daughter has a new, great job. After 14 years on the floor as a BSN, she now takes a salaried executive position. Under any other circumstances I would be thrilled, but it's in Eugene Oregon. Another of the beasts bellies. Yes it has ruminant tendencies. That would be an animal with a multi compartment stomach. Say what you will......Eugene may suffer damage. Serious damage. And then again it may be elsewhere. The Cascadia is long.

As for me, I'll suffice with new info that the Spokane area might have a 6.5 to 7 due to finding new faults. The finding is new...not the faults. One is less than 10 miles away. And I have dead serious walking problems. Jane and I may be in wheelchairs for the rest of our life's. I would rather enjoy as much as I can with pain meds, than to do any quake worries.

I and this group will be around till the last one shuts the door. The system is now self sufficient.  It is I, thanks Denise, who are in financial troubles. I gave up driving, the only responsible thing to do. I drive the wheelchair slow. We are working on that special wheelchair for Jane. Meanwhile our mattress broke...etc.... No more worries tho. Each of u have your own worries. Let the Blessed Mary be my guide and Michel be my arch angel. We all cling to one system or another.

I if I happen to predict a quake, not to worry,,,',, gods Blessings on you all. If you need me, just write a group message.
Bob -Pinpoint since 1992

Rick Price

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