Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pqcific NW News Service

Jan 8 2015

Short Pursuit Leads to Stolen Vehicle Recovery

On January 7, 2015, at approximately 12:30 pm, a Washington State Patrol (WSP) trooper sitting at the intersection northbound Evergreen at Interstate 90 observed a red passenger car driving recklessly.  The red passenger car nearly struck several vehicles in the intersection as it failed to yield in the intersection and proceeded to enter I90 westbound. The trooper activated his emergency lights and siren but the driver did not stop.

The car finally stopped and the driver put his hands outside the driver’s window on the westbound Pines off ramp.  As the trooper exited his patrol vehicle the driver sped away down the off ramp turning left onto Indiana Avenue.  Troopers executed a felony stop and the driver was taken into custody without incident near the intersection of Indiana and State Route 27.  A check of the vehicle registration revealed that the vehicle had been reported stolen earlier in the day.

Troopers identified the driver as 26 year old, Daniel Taylor from Spokane Valley.  Taylor was placed into custody for Felony Eluding, Felony Possession of Stolen Vehicle, Reckless Driving and Driving with a Revoked Driver’s License.  Taylor also had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant.   Taylor was booked into the Spokane County Jail.

The registered owner of the vehicle was called and responded to the scene to retrieve the vehicle.  The registered owner indicated that the vehicle was left running in front of an apartment complex when it was stolen.  WSP troopers remind drivers to not leave vehicles running unattended so as to not become the next victim.

I have someone's cat in my truck,under the seat,gender unknown,has white & possibly gray ?? On the back ??from what I can touch of it,it. Quite fat,short haired,I am NOT trying to steal your cat,I have to roll down my window to open my door & forgot to roll it back up last night,I spent the night at Garden apartments.
I need to take someone to work & figure out how to coax your cat out,ideas on how to do this & who I bring the poor frightened thing to ??
With wind chills plunging into the minus-30s to the minus-50s across Minnesota on Wednesday, Dr. Ryan Fey of the Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis warned that serious frostbite injuries can happen in 10 minutes or less.
Wet gloves, socks or boots speed up the process. So do smoking and medical conditions that cause poor circulation, such as diabetes. And the thinner skin of elderly people and children makes them more vulnerable, he said.
College student Jordan Harrell, 23, wore a stocking cap and pulled his coat up around his neck as he walked to work in downtown Minneapolis.
"I have wool socks on, so that's nice. And that's basically how I prepare. And then, you know, just have a tough mentality," he said. "It's a Minnesota tough mentality."

Summary and References
EARTH & SUN DIGEST of 2015/01/08

Earthquakes 6M+: one 6M earthquakes--6.4M S of Panama on 1/07 at 2 km depth
Deep Quakes >300 km with 4M+ quake: Six in Fiji Area on 1/2,4(2),5,8(2); three in Indonesia--Kepulauan Sangihe on 1/2 and Celebes Sea on 1/5,6, two in Southern Italy on 1/1,2; one off N Island, NZ on 1/7
Volcanic Ash over 8 km: one from Kamchatka Peninsula--Sheveluch on 1/7; one from Sopatan, Indonesia, on 16; Bardabunga volcano, Iceland, lava field 83.4 sq km on 1/06

Reference Web Sites

California/Nevada Map

Solar Weekly Summary And Forecast

Daily Solar Data

Volcanic ash eruptions of 8+ km

World Earthquakes (Tap on mag>4 to limit entries)

Far Point (apogee), Near Point (perigee), and Milestones between

Event Day & Time UTC
 December 2014
Perigee     24 16:44 (Christmas Eve)
Equator SN  27 23:59
Mid PA      29 22:08
Max PA      31 01:17 13 min duration 
 January 2015
N Limit    03 17:51
Perihelion 04 07:??
Full Moon  05 04:54
Apogee     09 18:18
Equator NS 11 04:59
Mid AP     13 14:57
Max AP     16 12:34 8 min
S Limit    18 06:16
New Moon   20 13:15
Perigee    21 20:07
Equator SN 24 08:20
Mid PA     26 10:53
Max PA     26 23:47 19 min
N Limit    31 01:00


Scientists with the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network are installing instruments at CenturyLink Field in Seattle Thursday to record expected vibrations from jumping and stomping fans at Saturday's Seahawks playoff game.
The work follows the "beast quake" that was generated by a Marshawn Lynch "Beast Mode" touchdown run on Jan. 8, 2011, and recorded on a seismometer in Seattle.
Scientists with the network are using monitors at the stadium to look for problems they might encounter with a real earthquake. They're also testing technology that could provide an early warning of underground shaking.

Rick Price

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