Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pacific NW-News Service Since 1992

Celebrating 16 years of service 1992-2015



SAN FRANCISCO—For the second year in a row, California recorded the driest January in its history. No rain fell in many parts of the state in what is normally its wettest month, stoking fears that a four-year drought may not end anytime soon.
San Francisco received no measurable January rain for the first time since record-keeping began during the 1849 Gold Rush, according to the National Weather Service. In January 2014, San Francisco recorded just six hundredths of an inch of rain in a month when it averages 4.5 inches, forecasters said.

Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) is the focus of the ‘Rosetta spacecraft mission’ which is due to last until December 2015.

Rosetta arrived at Comet 67P in early August and quickly scanned its surface for a suitable landing site for its lander Philae. On September 15th, ESA announced that they would deploy their lander to a point selected on the comet’s so called head. This point was initially named ‘Site J’ but after a public competition was named Agilkia.

On November 12th, the Philae lander seperated from the Rosetta Spacecraft to make its seven hour journey to the comet’s surface. On touchdown, the lander’s harpoons failed to fire and Philae bounced twice before coming to rest on the surface (around 1km from its intended landing site). Philae sent data from the surface of Comet 67P but Philae’s position meant that it was unable to gather enough light to recharge its batteries sufficiently and has since gone offline.

New York Attorney General Targets
Supplements at Major Retailers
The New York State attorney general’s office accused four major retailers on Monday of selling fraudulent and potentially dangerous herbal supplements and demanded that they remove the products from their shelves.

This is the most devastating news to hit America in decades of the health industry. We all knew that big Pharma companys lined their pockets with brand name medicines prescribed by MD's but the news here may take down the entire supplement industry leaving millions without such help. While many brands tested did not contain any of the herbs that were stated on BRAND NAME store items, it is certain there are many legitimate companies which will suffer. Those will be the small ones who will not be able to conform to what may become new legislation. Please read the whole article. It is damning of both cornerstone stores and companies which make the product.
Walgreens said it would remove the products from its shelves nationwide....

Hooray. We are working on leaving this blog and going home to bobshannon.org. Please give me some time and I will be redirecting you to the old home.....thanks for your months of patience.


Jordan has confirmed the death of pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh after a video published online by Islamic State (IS) claimed to show him being burned alive.
The video shows a man standing in a cage and engulfed in flames. Intelligence officials confirm it is genuine.
Jane Shannon 


Colton Torzewski

Lord, welcome into your presence your son Colton., whom you have called from this life. Release him from all his sins; bless him with eternal light and peace; raise him  up to live for ever with all your saints in the glory of the Resurrection. 

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