Saturday, October 11, 2014

Is California headed to 'megadrought'?

For three years now, Californians have fixed leaks, ripped out lawns and shortened showers, adjusting to what officials call the most severe drought in memory.
Imagine what changes might come next if the drought continues for the rest of our lifetime.

Ron Rattray

A police report released Thursday detailed a brawl that broke out at an Anchorage house party and involved members of Sarah Palin's family, including allegations that Bristol Palin punched the host several times in the face.
No arrests were made, and no one wanted to press charges, according to the report into the Sept. 6 brawl. The municipal attorney's office also reviewed the investigation and declined to pursue charges.
Officers responded to the party late that night after a report of a fight among about 20 people outside. According to incident reports compiled by officers in the chaos of the situation, Bristol Palin, who is Sarah Palin's daughter, punched the homeowner, Korey Klingenmeyer, several times and at one point ended up on the ground herself.
Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice-presidential nominee, also was at the party, but the reports contained no mention of her being involved in the altercation.
Palin family attorney John Tiemessen declined to comment and said the Palins also were unavailable to comment.
The Palins were celebrating Todd Palin's birthday and arrived at the party in a white limousine, according to police.

After a week of hearing ghostly noises, a man is visited in his home by the spirit of his mother, dead for three decades. She reproaches him for his dissolute life and begs him to have Masses said in her name. Then she lays her hand on his sleeve, leaving an indelible burn mark, and departs . . .
A Lutheran minister, no believer in Purgatory, is the puzzled recipient of repeated visitations from "demons" who come to him seeking prayer, consolation, and refuge in his little German church. But pity for the poor spirits overcomes the man's skepticism, and he marvels at what kind of departed souls could belong to Christ and yet suffer still . . .
Hungry Souls: Supernatural Visits, Messages, and Warnings from Purgatory recounts these stories and many other trustworthy, Church-verified accounts of earthly visitations from the dead in Purgatory. Accompanying these accounts are images from the "Museum of Purgatory" in Rome, which contains relics of encounters with the Holy Souls, including numerous evidences of hand prints burned into clothing and books; burn marks that cannot be explained by natural means or duplicated by artificial ones. More than just a collection of "Catholic ghost stories,"  Hungry Souls also discerns from these accounts important truths about the afterlife, about God's mercy, and ultimately, about the urgent necessity to pray and perform sacrifices for our brothers and sisters in purgatory, and to reform our lives so as to shorten our own stay in that place of real and awful suffering.
About the Author: Gerard J.M. van den Aardweg, Ph.D., is a Dutch psychotherapist in private practice. In addition to his work in parapsychology-- writing and speaking about near-death experiences and paranormal events such as those detailed in Hungry Souls-- Dr. van den Aardweg has written extensively on pro-life and pro-family subjects. He current resides in the Netherlands with his wife, with whom he has seven children and seventeen grandchildren.

Will the drought kill California's economy?

Some "deep green" environmentalists believe that the tab for two-plus centuries of industrialization is about to come due in the form of a catastrophic ecological disaster -- one that might lead to the sixth great mass extinction on a scale similar to the meteor believed to have taken out the dinosaurs. (Yes, that means you, human reader.)
"In their computer simulation, annual runoff into rivers and reservoirs amounted to only about half the historical average. Most reservoirs never filled. Under that scenario, experts say, irrigated farm acreage would plunge.... The state's 8 million acres of irrigated cropland could fall by as much as half, predicted Daniel Sumner, director of the University of California Agricultural Issues Center. Farmers would largely abandon relatively low-value crops such as cotton and alfalfa and use their reduced water supplies to keep growing the most profitable fruits, nuts and vegetables. They would let fields revert to scrub or dry-farm them with wheat and other crops that predominated before California's massive federal irrigation project transformed the face of the Central Valley in the mid-20th century."

The flu is running rampant across Western and Eastern Washington state with 24 dead already the main flame is the big Type. Swine flu has killed seven people in the Spokane County alone. Swine flu has killed two people in Idaho so far this year.  The majority of people are very young and older with the biggest numbers being in people over 65. Most of those had continuing health problems other than GBS.
Walgreens to offer free vaccinations starting today at the Salvation Army Community Center at 223 E. Nora Ave.
Free vaccines also will be available at all area Walgreens from Friday through Feb. 7 during regular pharmacy hours while supplies last.

Idaho records first 2 deaths of flu season
BOISE, Idaho - Idaho officials say the first two flu deaths for this flu season have been recorded in the state. The Idaho Department of Health and ...

One dead from new avian flu strain in China; older strain has infected more than 300 people

Scientists say a new strain of avian flu has killed a woman in China and infected at least one other person.

In a study published Wednesday in the Lancet medical journal, Chinese researchers detailed the recent spread of the H10N8 virus, saying “the pandemic potential of this novel virus should not be underestimated.”
China has struggled over the past year to deal with a previously detected avian flu strain called H7N9, which has killed about a quarter of those infected and led to large-scale culling of poultry markets and a drop in poultry sales.

Picture Bill Shannon
#GoEags Backup QB is in action today. Get well soon Vernon Adams!

There is a litany of Saints and Doctors of the Church...everyone who is named more than once, perhaps a half dozen times or more during an exorcism. Yes. Heaven is Real. And so is Hell as Jim Gross reminds us.....and sometimes I am reminded of Shakespeare by the phrase "by the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes." And again...there are clouds that contain Saints and clouds which remind me of Dantes Inferno. This is one such as it ushered out the Indian Summer, most damnable thing. I shall never see it one day because of a phrase in the rosary.."Oh my Jesus. Save us from the fires of sin. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of your Mercy"

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