Thursday, October 30, 2014

A terminally ill woman who expects to take her own life under Oregon's assisted-suicide law says she is feeling well enough to possibly postpone the day she had planned to die.
Brittany Maynard said in early October she expected to kill herself Nov. 1, less than three weeks before her 30th birthday. She emphasized that she wasn't suicidal, but wanted to die on her own terms and reserved the right to move the date forward or push it back.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel approved Wednesday a recommendation from the Joint Chiefs of Staff requiring a 21-day isolation period for all military personnel returning from the West Africa region hard hit by the Ebola outbreak, the Pentagon said.
Quill 2011
 Hi Everyone,
This morning I learned some very sad news from Cody, a young grizzly named bear #128 or as I and a lot of others called him Quill had been struck a severely injured on the highway and thusly had to be euthanized. I was able to photograph him both in June 2011 shortly after he and his sibling were orphaned when their mom was killed on the CP rail tracks near Lake Louise. Then again in June of 2012 the day after he had been tranquilized to remove porcupine quills from his paw ( this is how he acquired his name we used ). I was so excited to see him making his way in the world after his mom was killed eating grain that was dropped from a freight train, but I was also concerned that although many visitors to Banff were seeing a grizzly for the first time with Quill he was becoming habituated to people and vehicles. I know that myself and others were attempting to keep people in their cars and only stay for a few moments due to concern for Quill. I thought this young survivor had made it over the hump and by some miracle would live, but NO he was struck down going to some spilled grain of the railway tracks the same fate as his mom. I'm sorry Quill that we have made your land so very dangerous for your kind.

 My Maples in accidental Tungsten WB
I don't recall if this is our 6th or 7th year doing this, but it's a lot of fun! FREE haunted house in Republic on Halloween. Please come if you want a bit of a fright to get your adrenalin pumping (may be a little scary for wee ones). We even have some new stuff this year. See photo for more details on when/where. Also, if anyone is interested in helping, please PM me.  
Christmas at Jarms - ALREADY
and Nov 1 20% off EVERYTHING
Jarms ACE Cheney

Summary and Sources
EARTH & SUN DIGEST of 2014/10/30

Solar Flares: twenty M Class flares on 10/23,24,26(4),27(5),28(3),29(6); four X Class flares on 10/24,25,26,27
Kp's of >4: Single Kp4's on 10/23,24,27,28,29
Earthquakes 6M+: one--6.1M at 2 km on 10/28 in Tonga            
Deep Quakes >300 km with 4M quake: two in Fiji Area on 10/23,28; one in Salta, Argentina on 10/23, one in Japan on 10/28, one in Indonesia 10/25
Volcanic Ash over 8 km: Sheveluch on 10/29 erupted volcanic ash to FL300.

Reference Web Sites

California/Nevada Map

Daily Geomagnetic Data

Daily Solar Data

Volcanic ash eruptions of 8+ km

World Earthquakes (Tap on mag>4 to limit entries)

Far Point (apogee), Near Point (perigee), and Milestones between

Event Day & Time UTC
  October 2014
Apogee      18 06:06
Equator NS  21 01:14
New Moon    23 21:56
Max AP      24 00:10 19 min at max velocity
Mid AP      24 01:42
South Limit 28 00:58
 November 2014
Perigee     03 00:22
Equator SN  03 10:34
Mid PA      06 05:42
Full Moon   06 22:23
Max PA      09 09:36 12 min
North Limit 09 23:09
Apogee      15 01:57
Equator NS  17 09:55
Mid AP      19 11:22
Max AP      20 14:07 17 min
New Moon    23 21:56
S Limit     24 08:13
Perigee     27 23:12  (Thanksgiving Day)
Equator SN  30 17:23

Donald, Editor 

I knew a wonderful surgeon who packed his own lunches: a bowl of instant ramen, a jar of salsa, and a package of pre-shredded Cheddar cheese. After mixing and microwaving these components, he’d enjoy his meal with a can of diet soda. But not everyone has the time or the disposition to bring in food. As a medical student rotating through various hospitals, I saw only newbies snack on those packaged crackers ubiquitously available to patients as a poor man’s Dramamine, and I definitely never saw anyone eat the Jell-O. 

The following is from the Zip code
of Republic. It has nothing to do with this publication
except accusations have been made and it Deserves print

Oct 28, 2014

Betrayal of the public’s trust in the Republic Police Department
I won’t sit silent anymore. My husband has “encouraged me” to not post anything and let City Hall deal with the problem but today went way too far and I won’t be silenced anymore. Everyone needs to know what is going on behind the scenes at the Republic Police Department, so here goes;
My husband, Detective Loren Culp, is being railroaded and punished because he dared speak out about the misappropriation of the tax payer’s money and he blew the whistle against it. If you live in, work in or spend your money in Republic then it is YOUR money I’m talking about.
All year Loren and Talon Venturo have been working a lot of drug cases. There was a ton of over time. Chief Lewis told Loren to comp a lot of his overtime because the City could not afford it. Loren had no problem with that, he is a team player and isn’t in it for the money, he knows there is a huge drug problem and is willing to do what it takes to help. He started this job at $10 per hour because he wanted to do something positive for our community. His base pay is currently $2 an hour less than Marcuson’s and $7 less than Jan Lewis. Anyway, Loren built up around 150-200 hours of comp time which he can never take because of his case load. 

During a meeting between Deputy Talon Venturo, Loren and Chief Lewis a couple of weeks ago, Chief Lewis let it slip that he was telling Officer Ken Marcuson, in the month of September, to write in extra over time while he did nothing more than sit at home. So the same time Loren and Talon were doing their jobs, out busting heroin and meth dealers, many times on their days off, Loren was getting paid nothing but Marcuson was getting overtime for the same exact hours.
The next day Loren asked Chief Lewis why this was going on? Why was Marcuson getting paid overtime for hours Loren was working? Chief Lewis told Loren he made a mistake and shouldn’t have said that, then, he gave this answer; “because people found out about it, it won’t happen again, let me handle this ok?” Loren let it go at the time but did not feel right about it so he went and looked at the time sheets for the year.
This isn’t an isolated incident; Ken Marcuson has been getting paid overtime the entire year for doing nothing. If you think this sounds like something from the twilight zone, you haven’t heard anything yet, it gets worse.
Last Thursday Loren called Jan and told him he wanted to get some things off his chest to which Jan said ok. Loren told Jan that Jan has been lying to him and misappropriating the taxpayer’s money. Loren told him that he has very little respect for him and what he did. This didn’t sit well with Chief Lewis and that played out today while Loren was on duty. Jan met with Loren and gave him an official letter of reprimand for not getting his time sheet turned in on time. Chief Lewis didn’t ask for an explanation or a reason. Then Chief Lewis told Loren to be in his office 4 hours before his shift starts this Thursday, to talk about that phone call. Loren told him he didn’t think he would be there and Chief Lewis asked why. Loren said “because I don’t trust you”. Chief Lewis immediately put Loren on suspension, told him to go home, call out of service and don’t come back until told to. Loren asked why he was being suspended and Chief Lewis said “for failure to follow an order”.
Loren has been a cop here almost 5 years and has never had a single reprimand let alone suspension. Now he is being punished for speaking out against corruption with trumped up reasons.
There you have it folks, not only are you paying for two cops that do very little in the form of police work but you have been paying over time for one to sit at home on his ass, off and on all year as the “Chief” gladly hands him over YOUR money and at the same time screwing over the only one willing to sacrifice.

The number to City Hall is 509-775-3216. ED\Please look it up. Thank You

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