Monday, November 10, 2014

Pacific NW-News Service Since 1992

Editor Bob Shannon since 1992 online
Assistent Editor Ron Rattray, Grand Forks BC Canada Aggregator/Photographer

Regular contributors, Kathy Meader, Cheney, WA
Canadian Photographic Editor Rick Price
 Charlene Helton Youdell

In Barrow, Alaska, it all begins with a euphoric voice over a crackling radio: "Hey, hey, hey!"
The signal from an Inupiat whaling captain in a tiny boat on the grey waters of the Chukchi Sea is heard in nearly every home of this frozen town as far north as you can go in the United States, and its meaning is clearly understood.
A bowhead whale - one of the oldest and largest mammals on earth - has been caught.

 Ferry County by Bob Shannon

 Malo Store Display
Lee and Julie Thornton, proprietors

For those of you who have been to Curlew just south of Canada in Ferry County Washington you'll recognize in the very center of this picture below in black-and-white is the little church on the hill or chapel on the hill as we call it. Chapel on the hill was originally my name. John Stotts of Stotts construction didn't mind me calling it that and the name stuck. The chapel was originally dedicated to one of John Stotts's relatives is now dedicated to two of his relatives having passed away. One time I drove up the hill. It is up from here on out you can't tell. One time I drove up the hill to find a border patrol man sleeping. Upon hearing my car he quickly awakened and put the binoculars to his eyes looking over the horizon. He then put them down looked at me through the open window and said you didn't see me sleeping did you? I said of course not. We both laughed. 

 Curlew 2006 Bob Shannon

The Spokane Investigative Regional Response (S.I.R.R.) Team continues to investigate an Officer Involved Shooting (O.I.S.) incident involving a Spokane Police officer, which occurred on 11/8/14.

The involved suspect, identified as 20-year-old Joseph E. Hensz, has been arrested for Stalking, Domestic Violence Stalking and Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle. Hensz is currently hospitalized in stable condition and under the guard of officers from the Spokane County Jail.

Initial investigation by the S.I.R.R. Team indicates the following:
Probable Cause to arrest Hensz for Domestic Violence Stalking was established in the early afternoon on 11/8/14.
The Spokane Police Department received multiple reports of Hensz driving recklessly throughout north Spokane.
At one point, an officer reported seeing the suspect vehicle drive by in excess of 100 miles per hour and nearly strike the officer's vehicle.
The incident ended near the intersection of Post and Montgomery. Shots were fired, life-saving measures were immediately rendered, and the suspect was transported to the hospital.
One Spokane Police officer at the scene was wearing a body camera. The body camera was not activated during the incident.
The S.I.R.R. Team investigation into this incident is ongoing.

Everyone who bowed out of the Politico group so I could get the name changed, it has been done. Part of the way I accomplished this was by removing people that were listed as invited as opposed to added because I interpreted this to mean that those who had been invited hadn't actually joined the group. If I am mistaken in this and you find that you were removed and did not want to be, I apologize. If you'd like to rejoin I'll get everyone re added, Thanks.
 Leslie Foster

I am working with Republic Superintendent John Glenewinkle to create a homeschool program for interested families. At this time, we are pulling together family's that have an interest in a home-based or alternative education program that would be organized through and funded by the Republic School District.

Our goal, if enough interest exists, is to develop an experience-based education platform that would service K-12 within Ferry County (and potentially beyond). The desire is to develop a new school within Republic School District that will offer an out-of-classroom education system all while ensuring students have access to state-certified teachers, education materials and resources, and a state-recognized diploma at graduation.
The details of how this will be architected are to be determined by us collectively, and all input and suggestion is encouraged to be shared within this group: Republic Homeschool Program Exploration.
If you or anyone you know may be interested, please request membership to the group for updates. As of right now, there will be a meeting on November 17th at 6:30pm location TBD.

Frigid temperatures trigger the opening of warming centers in Spokane and North Idaho. Here are the locations, hours and phone numbers for those centers.
  • Spokane: The Salvation Army Community Center at 222 E. Indiana Ave. will serve as the community’s warming center for individuals and families through Feb. 28 whenever the temperature falls below 32 degrees. It’s open to single adults as well as families with children. Hours are 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. Info: (509) 325-6810
  • Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls: Fresh Start, 1524 E. Sherman Ave. in Coeur d’Alene, opens when the temperature falls below 25 degrees. (Info: 208-667-9798) Fresh Start will be the main center, but as capacity builds, St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho will open its Post Falls center at 202 W. Seventh St. Hours are 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. (Info: 208-664-3095).

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