Sunday, November 23, 2014

Pacific NW News Service Since 1992

LogoTrademark ™/BobShannon/Picture© RickPrice
Editor Bob Shannon since 1992 online
Assistant Editor Ron Rattray, Grand Forks BC Canada Aggregator/Photographer Regular contributors, Kathy Meader, Cheney, WACanadian Photographic Editor Rick Price
Since 1992 on the Internet
Electric Magazine BBS
© since 1982
Rick Price


Region:                           OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
Geographic coordinates:           43.859N, 128.131W
Magnitude:                        4.9
Depth:                            10 km
Universal Time (UTC):             23 Nov 2014  12:50:49
Time near the Epicenter:          23 Nov 2014  03:50:50
Local standard time in your area: 23 Nov 2014  12:50:49

Location with respect to nearby cities:
312 km (193 mi) WNW of Bandon, Oregon
320 km (198 mi) W of Coos Bay, Oregon
393 km (243 mi) WNW of Roseburg, Oregon
396 km (245 mi) W of Corvallis, Oregon
423 km (262 mi) WSW of Salem, Oregon

The stage was set for another Republic-Cusick defensive battle when fate frowned on Cusick.
Cusick lost starting quarterback Spirit White to a suspected dislocated elbow early in the second quarter Friday night, opening the door for Republic to turn the State 1B football quarterfinal into an offensive display.
“Spirit is a great competitor for them and he does a lot of good things offensively, but defensively he’s kind of an anchor,” Tigers coach Chris Burch said after a 68-13 victory lifted the Tigers (11-1) into next weekend’s semifinals. “Once that happened, it kind of opened up our running game even more.”

Ron Rattray

Mendocino County Health and Human Services Agency
Schedule for November 26, 2014

The Mendocino County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) would like to inform the community of its schedule for the upcoming Thanksgiving week. On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 most HHSA offices will close at noon and re-open for business on Monday, December 1, 2014. Each office entrance will have the closure information posted on the main doors for public viewing.

For emergencies that may occur the afternoon of November 26 or over the Thanksgiving holiday, please use the following list:

Animal Care Services: 707-463-6262

Communicable Disease: 707-272-8035

Adult Services: 707-463-7900/1-877-327-1799

Child Welfare Services: 707-463-7990/ 1-866-739-4079

All offices will be closed on November 27 and 28 for the Thanksgiving holiday and reopening on Monday, December 1, 2014 for regular business hours.

1989 Video Capture

  • Bob Shannon Right on bro! It's a capture from a 1989 VHS. If anyone thinks that's not old...consider I had just bought one of the first commercial versions in Sacramento for 1200 bucks. We have an awful lot of video of Ferry County. By the time I'm done editing, it will be spring. The woman is Jim Hoilers mother.....later to be the Lightbearers. I did get footage of Bert Edwards barns and previous turn of the century buildings before they were demolished.

  • Karen Grimsley This looks like the Curlew Store. The glass case in the lower left corner gives it away unless the Malo Store has one too. Also the surroundings behind the case and above the mail boxes look like the back of the Curlew Store before the deli was put in (and after the post office was moved to the new building).

  • Melissa Rose It does look more like Curlew than Malo as the Malo Store PO was so tiny & skinny for the post office employee to walk to fill the boxes. We had our POB there from the time we moved up here until it closed to move next door in its own building. I'd suspect it is Curlew not Malo. Of course Bob Shannon knows his own video so?

  • Bob Shannon I never took videos of Curlews boxes. It does look like it but Malo DID have a glass case there when Jack Francis was running it along with others in the family. And that's 117 our box. Went there too many times. Helen always got her mail near us and half blocked the way. It's Malo. Definitely.

  • Bob Shannon And Jane reminds me that Helen sorted her mail on that case. There wasn't much in it. Dan or Pete, maybe Pete moved it and filled it with candy.

  • Melissa Rose OK then...I stand corrected. Tom Rose & I loved getting our mail at the little store in Malo & so miss it!

  • Bob Shannon Judy still had the boxes last I talked to her.

San Francisco window washer falls onto moving car A Toyota Camry has a caved in roof after a window washer fell at least 11 stories onto the moving vehicle in San Francisco, ...
Spring-Its going to be 4 more months....
Off Betz Rd Spring 2011

A black bear cub burned in a massive Washington state wildfire over the summer is moving to a rehabilitation facility in Idaho for the winter.
The cub, named Cinder, was found under a horse trailer in north-central Washington’s Methow Valley, where the Carlton complex — the largest fire in state history — burned about 400 square miles and destroyed 300 homes. Her paws were so severely burned she was walking on her elbows.
Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care in California has been caring for Cinder. The center wrote on its Facebook page Friday that its veterinarian, Dr. Kevin Willitts, had released the bear from his care.
He planned to show up early Sunday morning to immobilize the bear and perform one final examination before sending her on an eight-hour drive to the Idaho Black Bear Rehab center in Garden City, near Boise, to hibernate for the winter.

Hours of steady rain Saturday from northern California's third winter storm in a week raised hopes that the state was moving out of its driest three years in history - while still deeply locked in drought.
"It's a marginal improvement. Marginal being the operative word there," said Bob Benjamin, a National Weather Service forecaster, as showers that brought from a quarter-inch to more than a half-inch of rain to the San Francisco Bay Area tapered off late Saturday morning.
In fact, after this week's three back-to-back winter storms, much of the state was doing noticeably better for rain than last year, but still well below normal for this point in the year. Through October, the last three years overall have been the driest in California's history, according to the federal National Climatic Data Center. By last summer, 58 percent of the state was rated in the most extreme category of drought, and scores of communities instituted voluntary or mandatory water-saving measures.
Even before Saturday's rain, things were looking slightly better this month. Downtown San Francisco by Friday stood at 2.15 inches of rain for the year, compared with 1.45 inches this time last year and 3.44 inches normally. Redding, in the north of California, by this morning had received 7.19 inches for the rain year beginning July 1, more than twice as much as last year and more than an inch above normal, National Weather Service forecaster Holly Osborne said. Parts of south-central and southern California received no new rain Saturday, after some from the week's two earlier storms.

2014 Boils Toward Warmest Year Ever with Three More Records Broken

Even if it's freezing in your personal universe, Earth as a whole just broke three "warmest" records and is likely to see 2014 go down as the warmest since record keeping began in 1880, scientists reported Thursday.
Driven by record warm oceans, combined sea and land temperatures in October were the warmest on record, according to data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. On top of that, January-October was the warmest first 10 calendar months, while November 2013 to October 2014 was the warmest 12-month block.

Data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed where the records fell, in large part due to record warm oceans:

Warmest October: The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces was the highest on record for an October at 58.4 degrees F, or 1.3 degrees above the 20th century average and topping the previous record (2003) by 0.02 degrees.
Warmest first 10 calendar months: The surface temperature for January-October was 58.6 degrees, 1.22 degrees above average and topping the previous record set (1998 and 2010) by 0.04 degrees. Ocean temperatures by themselves were 1.03 degrees above average, the highest on record for this period, beating the previous record (1998) by 0.05 degrees.
Warmest 12-month block: The period of November 2013-October 2014 averaged 58.2 degrees, 1.2 degrees above the norm, breaking a record set just a month ago for warmest 12-month period.
October was "the sixth consecutive month where the ocean has been record warm," Deke Arndt, chief of climate monitoring at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, told reporters. And the average ocean temperatures for each of those months "have all been the warmest for that month on record."

"The oceans have been generally warming over time," he said, especially this year, which he called "quite warm compared to even the warmest part of that history."

"Clearly the oceans are driving the warmth that we’ve seen around the planet," Arndt added.


A “self-made man”?

Eight years ago, Bush — best known by the acronym “Jeb” — departed from Florida’s governor’s mansion determined to boost his $1,288,000 net worth in the private sector. Since, he has made millions in corporate board fees, speaking gigs, and consulting payments — but, much like his tenure before getting into public life, has done so with a series of companies that have found their way into legal or financial quagmires.

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