Saturday, December 13, 2014

Pacific NW News Service Online since 1992

Whole lots of people issue


Senate Republicans Object To Spending Bill Over Immigration

Above pictured is Rob Dog Shannon Shannon on his European Tour. The U.S. Army band had a jazz band as well as the standard GI band. Rob came into the Army as an E4 straight from high school and state clarinet champion. After two tours, the first concluding with Desert Storm, he now lives in Oklahoma with his wife, two offspring and one granddaughter. He is the editors son, that's me!

Rick Price at Yellowstone in Winter

On a cool to cold wintry day, what better time to watch football and reminis about summers to come. A few summers ago, 5 of our 7 decided to return to S Lake Tahoe after 28 year absence. Now the roles were reversed. The kids in 1986 are the adults and they get to experience what we did watching them and taking pictures. My how time flies. I've noticed older folks on Facebook remark about time speeding up. Wasn't it just yesterday I was sitting on my back porch studying the father of philosophy, Carl Jung. Thank God for pictures.

Chief in charge of Chiefs...

Bob Shannon Photo
  1. Against racial profiling!
    The D.C. march was, by many accounts, something of a disappointment. Although a large group of supporters arrived from multiple cities, some have commented that the gathering lacked the passion and organic feel of earlier protest marches in Ferguson, New York and Berkeley.
    In NYC 
    Some are estimating that the number of marchers participating is in the range of 34,000, although at least one news report puts the number closer to 6,000, based on police information. 

    Record snow year 2008-9 Spokane
    Pic by editor

    It's the end of the football tear and playoffs coming for Eastern Washington University and the NCAA. Today marked EWU against the Illinois Jays. The Jays were 11-1 and EWU was 11-2. The editor can hear the canons go off if EWU scores but it didn't go much today. As game is now over its Jays 59 EWU 46 Final. Alumni Bill Shannon sent this pic...

    Last game on the red field.

    How to get from this..... this?

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