Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pacific NW News Service Online since 1992

SPOKANE, Wash. -
While Angelina Jolie fights the chicken pox, and several professional hockey players battle the mumps, Spokane health officials say locally, concern needs to be focused on the flu.
14 to 15 people in Spokane have been hospitalized for the flu so far this year. 10 or 11 of those people did not get the vaccine.
Last year in December, that number was only one to two people.
The flu, the mumps and the chicken pox all have vaccines, and local doctors say if you haven't gotten one, you should definitely consider it.
The flu vaccine has come under fire this year for missing a key strain that protects people from getting the flu.

Our reporter in New Zealand is Kathy Meader. Today, or tommorow by real time, she found a dead shark on the beach. She took the following pictures which is why we are late today. That plus the editor is ill.

Bob, et al,  in days gone by (when I worked for AVISTA [it was Washington
Water Power Co. then], I used to work with the USGS to do streamflow
measurements in the Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho rivers where they
have gage stations set up (we used gage rather than gauge). I remember
getting on the cable cars that cross the rivers and making an 80/20 percent
measurement every 10 or 20 feet as we crossed the river or stream depending
on how far across it was. We would lower a streamflow gage, a small water
turbine on a cable with a lead weight on the end, down to the bottom then
come up to the 20% depth point let the turbine settle, take the reading,
pull it up to the 80% point, take another reading, then move to the next
measurement point. It would usually take a couple of hours to do a single
stream. A large river might take half a day or more. I was also on the
Water Resources Advisory board of the Spokane Community College for a
number of years. The USGS got many of its employees from that program. Ah -
the good old days when I could get out of the office and do some real field

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