Friday, January 30, 2015

Pacific NW News Service

Ron Rattray

Summary and References
EARTH & SUN DIGEST of 2015/01/29

Earthquakes 6M+: two 6M earthquakes--6.7M on 1/23 in Vanuatu, 6.2 on 1/28 in Fiji Region
Deep Quakes >300 km with 4M+ quake: four in Fiji Area on 1/27(2),28(2)(6.2M,5.2M); one in Izu Isls, Japan Reg, on 1/25(5.0M); PLUS a 282 km in Banda Sea, Indonesia, on 1/27 and a 292 km in Tonga on 1/29
Volcanic Ash over 8 km: Sheveluch volcano on Kamchatka to FL250 from 1/26-29

Reference Web Sites

California/Nevada Map

Solar Weekly Summary And Forecast (three M Class Solar Flares on 1/28,29,30)

Daily Solar Data

Volcanic ash eruptions of 8+ km

World Earthquakes (Tap on mag>4 to limit entries)

Far Point (apogee), Near Point (perigee), and Milestones between

Event Day & Time UTC
 January 2015
N Limit    03 17:51
Perihelion 04 07:??
Full Moon  05 04:54
Apogee     09 18:18
Equator NS 11 04:59
Mid AP     13 14:57
Max AP     16 12:34 8 min
S Limit    18 06:16
New Moon   20 13:15
Perigee    21 20:07
Equator SN 24 08:20
Mid PA     26 10:53
Max PA     26 23:47 19 min
N Limit    31 01:00
 February 2015
Full Moon  03 23:10
Apogee     06 06:27
Equator NS 07 12:57
Mid AP     10 12:25
Max AP     11 03:46 13 min
S Limit    14 17:17
New Moon   18 23:49
Perigee    19 07:31
Equator SN 20 18:52
Mid PA     23 02:26
Max PA     24 10:08 17 min
N Limit    27 07:20

What is an Iditarod Without Snow? A Harrowing Helmet Cam Journey - See more at:
What is an Iditarod without Snow?
Watch a Harrowing Helmet Cam View

Curlew Kai Folk - there has been a CONFIRMED cougar deer-kill on the private island just west of us. (South end of Lake across marsh from Dock Rd.) It happened in the wee hours of the morning. We had thought we had seen tracks but the kill confirms there is a BIG cat in our midst. Please don't feed the deer. It makes them easy prey and this cat might end up in your backyard. Please share with neighbors!!! Thanks.
 I have absolutely no idea of what I took but I got up at shortly after 3 in the morning on August 16, 2008 to do it. Could it possibly be the INSP hooked to a shuttle? I was using a Fujifilm Pro DSLR/Nikon with full 300 zoom. I am open to suggestions from anyone else who was up that morning. changed date to 16th
Taken from my old apartment...same complex before Guillain Barre. I looked out my bedroom window, through a screen which gave a nice effect Leslie Foster. In my film days they made filters to do this same effect. And sunflower? Not sure I think it was a self start as birds ate on the wires overhead.

Walking her dog, Cassandra Markley passes through the STA Plaza when she comes across two tables, both with fliers advertising data collection. When she approaches, a woman sitting at one of the tables says the city is "trying to get an idea of who is homeless and what sort of resources they need." After hearing that, Markley sits down and answers a basic questionnaire.
The data collection is for "Point in Time" a count of the homeless population in a number of cities across the country.


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