Friday, December 19, 2014

Pacific NW News Service

I am trying to get a Headstart today. It's really tough having going to the doctor in and doing I'll sorts of things to get this thing going.I know you folks like to see all those great pictures by Rick Bryson by Ron Rattray. We always have those. Those fellows you're very dedicated.

The killings that are going on in the news all over the world you can read about on just about any new recite you want to and frankly I'm very sad and very tired of it. I need a break so this is a break for me It's not as though I am ignoring all of these things but I say what I have to say and then there's nothing more I can do. For those of my persuasion I suggest doing rosaries. We do rosaries every night and we most certainly pray for the Pope then we most certainly pray for a stop to the killings. I think there is nothing we can do about terrorist part of Islam. All of Islam is not bad. It's terrorists. And as you can see by the killings in the United States we have our own terrorism in the form of husbands killing whole families and people randomly killing others. To me that's terrorism. Facebook is filled with people's ideas. There are videos that will make you cry. Heros that that will make you happy. The ones that make me angry are the ones the blame other people. Blaming doesn't solve problems. Getting together and finding something in common with each other. That's the only way we can solve this problem in the United States. Simply ending each speech with God bless the US or God bless America are words alone. There must be action. There must be action in the form of a light. We must be a light for the people. To be a great country we must show the way through peace. As a Christian family we celebrate Hanukkah. We celebrate Russian orthodox and eastern orthodox special days we celebrate Indian, East Indian holidays such as the festival of lights. It's called Holi. And finally I have Muslim friends here in the United States and all over the world who are great photographers. I have friends in Iraq. I have friends in Pakistan. They are not bad people. And they don't live in bad neighborhoods. And they don't do terrorist acts. So let's fill this world with the light. Peace on Earth. Merry Christmas.

EWU is close to the Palouse
Bob Shannon

Two days after reopening diplomatic relations with Cuba, President Barack Obama said Friday he doesn't expect the effort to bring overnight change on the island, a quick end to the U.S. economic embargo or the likelihood that he will soon visit the communist nation.
"This is still a regime that represses its people," Obama said at a year-end news conference two days after the historic announcement that he was moving to end the half century of Cold War acrimony with Havana. He said he hopes to visit Cuba at some point in his life but that he is not at the stage yet of going or hosting Cuban President Raul Castro in Washington.

Not so Sure
 Bob Shannon

Live music with McDougall tomorrow night 12/19/14 has been cancelled. So instead RBC will have Clarence "1930 Rural America" music and one of our all time favorites Rusty @ 7p.m. 

 Pic Jane Shannon
Need live xmas tree its not to late we Wenatchee and Tonasket locations. Priced to sale from $35 to $85 letus know soon so we can keep them coming.

Bob Shannon

When an earthquake happens, the energy released by the movement of the Earth’s crust takes the form of seismic waves. The strength and direction of these waves are responsible for the shaking that you see during an earthquake. As these waves get farther and farther away from the starting point of the earthquake, they get weaker. But these waves can cause shaking hundreds of miles away in only a few minutes.

In the last eight years a rather unexpected new source of information started providing amazing details about earthquakes almost as quickly as they were happening: Twitter.

Twitter is a service that allows users to send and receive short messages called “tweets” to groups of people using the internet. When an event like an earthquake happens, thousands tweet about it so quickly that people have received tweets about an earthquake before feeling the shaking from the earthquake itself.

For decades scientists have been trying to develop tools for warning people at risk about earthquakes in their area. To do this, the scientists would need to be able to recognize that an earthquake is happening and communicate this risk to the people in that area as quickly as possible – ideally before the seismic waves reach them. While this may not be possible for those closest to the earthquake, in the seconds and minutes before the waves reach new areas there could be a chance. So the possibility that tweets could be warning people about earthquakes faster than the seismic waves drew a lot of attention. 


Dow up 26 NASDAQ up 16 and the other one up as well...u name it?
 White Christmas?
  • Marina Sing-Forgione NOPE BOB,NO SNOW IN BARCELONA xxx
  • Angie Curtis No snow for us...summer in Wellington, New Zealand! A beautiful sunny day forecast! Does it matter? No, we are used to 35 degree heat in South Africa. However, the most 'Christmasy' I have ever felt according to the 'Christmas' brought to you by mainstream media, was in Germany: castles, snow, gluhwein, snowmen, children bundled and singing carols in the street, ornate decorations adorning windows...beautiful x

  • Timothy Gentle Some times we get a white Christmas here but it's not looking like it at the moment.

  • Bob Shannon Tim you live where?

  • Terrie Gamboa Hutton No snow. California girl.

  • Ben Keck · Friends with Billy Calzada
    Forecasters are saying we might have snow in this part of Arkansas by Christmas.

  • Timothy Gentle Bob i live in Alsace, North Eastern France, on the border with Germany, i can see the Black Forest in the distance.

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