Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pacific NW News Service

JANUARY 2015: temperature 39° (7° above avg.); precipitation 2" (2" above avg. north, 1" below south); Jan 1-10: Periods of rain and snow north and central; sunny, mild south; Jan 11-16: Rainy periods, mild north; sunny south; Jan 17-21: Periods of rain and snow north, sunny south; mild; Jan 22-31: Rain and snow showers, mild.

FEBRUARY 2015: temperature 39° (5° above avg.); precipitation 2.5" (1" above avg.); Feb 1-3: Sunny, mild; Feb 4-10: Rain and snow showers, mild; Feb 11-20: Sunny, mild north; snowstorm, then sunny, seasonable south; Feb 21-26: Snow, then sunny, cold; Feb 27-28: Showers, mild.


UPTICK IN SOLAR ACTIVITY: After days of quiet, the sun is stirring. A new unnumbered sunspot emerging over the sun's southeastern limb is crackling with small explosions. Prompted by this development, NOAA forecasters have boosted the odds of an M-class solar flare today to 25%. Solar flare alerts: text, voice

SOLAR WIND SPARKS AURORAS: A stream of solar wind hit Earth during the late hours of Jan. 21st, igniting a bright display of auroras around the Arctic Circle.
Social Security announces as a result of Congress’ approval of the fiscal year 2015 budget, the agency will expand its hours nationwide and offices will be open to the public for an additional hour on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, effective March 16, 2015.  A field office that is usually open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. will remain open until 4:00 p.m.  Offices will continue to close to the public at noon every Wednesday so employees have time to complete current work and reduce backlogs.
It's what I do
This expansion of office hours reaffirms our commitment to providing the people we serve the option of top-notch, face-to-face assistance in field offices even as we work to expand online services for those who prefer that flexibility,” said Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security.  “The public expects and deserves world-class customer service and thanks to approved funding, I am pleased we will continue our tradition of exceptional service.”
In recent years, Social Security reduced public office hours due to congressional budget cuts, growing backlogs and staffing losses.  The agency began recovery in fiscal year 2014 by replacing some field office staffing losses and providing overtime support to process critical work.  With the commitment of resources in fiscal year 2015, the agency is able to restore some service hours to the public.
Rosebrook inn
Yemen president resigns under pressure from rebels, Yemeni officials say the president has resigned under pressure from Shiite rebels who seized the capital in September and have confined the embattled leader to his home for the past two days.

Ron Rattray

The flu has claimed three more lives in Spokane County, and with urgent care centers and emergency rooms filling up with patients looking for relief, doctors are warning you need to take steps to protect yourself and your family.
The most recent death was a man in his 30s who was described as being healthy before he contracted the flu and had even been vaccinated, which is why health care workers are stressing people to pay attention to the symptoms.
“They're coming in with high fevers, chills, cough, fatigue and just wanting care and making sure they're okay to go to work, go to school,” Rockwood Nursing Director Heather Healy said.

 Rick Price
 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 09:27:30 +0000
From: USGS ENS <>

                    == PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT ==

Region:                           OREGON
Geographic coordinates:           42.021N, 119.730W
Magnitude:                        4.7
Depth:                            22 km
Universal Time (UTC):             22 Jan 2015  09:09:17
Time near the Epicenter:          22 Jan 2015  01:09:18
Local standard time in your area: 22 Jan 2015  09:09:17

Location with respect to nearby cities:
54 km (33 mi) ESE of Lakeview, Oregon
167 km (103 mi) E of Altamont, Oregon
171 km (106 mi) E of Klamath Falls, Oregon
194 km (120 mi) NNE of Susanville, California
317 km (196 mi) N of Carson City, Nevada

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